How to Make Grass Grow Faster

Growing thick, lush grass requires beginning with the appropriate seed for your climate and planting it at the optimal time of year, amending and fertilizing your soil properly, fertilizing and watering accordingly. If you want your grass to expand even faster, try treating it with a plant growth regulator.

Preparing the Soil

An ideal environment for the growth of lush lawns lies in well-prepared soil. To be effective, grass requires good soil conditions for its germination and growth as well as sunlight, water, oxygen, minerals and nutrients, protection from weeds and protection from frost damage. By working the dirt to form an even bed with pea- or marble-sized particles – providing ideal conditions for grass seed germination – proper preparation can make all the difference to its success in growth.

Start by clearing away old weeds with a sharp shovel, or renting a sod cutter for larger areas. If your soil contains heavy clay or is otherwise dense, consider digging or rotovating to break up compacted areas. Add a 2-inch layer of well-decomposed compost to improve drainage while providing vital nutrients – then till to incorporate and level.

Before planting, test the pH levels in your soil. If it falls below 6 or 7 it’s time to make changes; add ground limestone if acidic soil, and elemental sulfur if alkaline soil; just be sure that any product purchased adheres to manufacturer instructions.

Start by digging down 6 inches and molding a handful of soil into a ball – if it dries out too quickly, its pH level may be too alkaline for grass growth; otherwise a pH between 6.0-7.0 would be optimal for grass cultivation. If you don’t have access to a soil testing kit, vinegar and baking soda can also be used to test its acidic or alkaline levels; their reaction indicates whether acidity exists in your soil.


If your lawn needs some serious TLC, there are various methods of rejuvenating it into a lush green expanse. From prepping the soil and laying sod to seeding or overseeding grass for longer-term results – there’s sure to be something that works!

Before sowing seeds, apply a 2-inch layer of compost. This organic matter improves soil drainage while also adding vital nutrients that promote healthy growth. If the soil is very compacted, aerate it using a screwdriver pushed deep into it – compacted soil limits water, air and nutrients reaching roots which in turn delays grass growth.

When seeding, select a grass species suitable for both your climate and season. Cool-season grasses tend to germinate faster in late summer or fall while warm-season varieties perform best sown during spring plantings. If you want a mix, sow warm season varieties first then overseed them as temperatures cool off with cool season varieties as temperatures change.

Protecting new grass from birds that might nibble it is key for its successful start-up. One easy method is driving stakes around its perimeter and spreading bird netting over it.


After you’ve planted the appropriate grass species and soil conditions, it’s essential that they receive enough nutrition. An easy way to do this is with starter fertilizers containing low nitrogen amounts – use either granular or liquid starters; though the latter will absorb and release nitrogen more slowly.

Before applying any fertilizers to your soil, it’s a good idea to perform another soil test. This will show what nutrients it’s lacking and which type of fertilizer would best meet those needs. If the pH balance in your soil is too acidic or alkaline, turf grass could struggle absorbing nutrients through fertilizer applications.

Garden stores or online vendors sell soil test kits that allow you to determine the pH level in your soil and follow its instructions to test for nutrients like nitrogen or other key elements, helping you determine whether you need to add additional granular or liquid starter fertilizers.

As soon as you apply any type of lawn fertilizer, it’s essential to check the weather forecast in order to ensure it won’t rain within several hours of spreading it out. Otherwise, most of it could wash away into lakes, streams, rivers, ponds or wetlands where it could contribute to an explosion of weed growth and algae blooms.


Nothing works faster to speed up grass growth than taking the necessary steps at the right times. Prep of soil, timely mowing at appropriate height and time of year, fertilizing with appropriate products tailored specifically for climate conditions, overseeding to fill any bare spots regularly and overseeding regularly are all keys components in getting your lawn and lawn moving on point. Consistent moisture also plays a part.

Light watering helps keep seeds moist, and promotes their germination. Ideal conditions include at least twice-daily irrigation until seedlings have been cut for the first time.

Early morning is usually the ideal time for watering lawns – before 10am when temperatures are cooler and wind speeds tend to be lighter, meaning less of the precious liquid is lost due to evaporation. Conversely, midday or late evening watering can promote fungus growth or worsen lawn conditions.

Purchase an efficient irrigation system to simplify watering. A system that delivers deep into the ground will enable more of it to reach grass roots for stronger, healthier grass. But make sure not to overwater, as too much moisture could lead to fungal diseases, shallow roots and other issues – an accurate rain gauge will help you control how much you use!